Tuesday, 17 May 2016


Art is a form of self-expression with absolutely no responsibility to anyone or anything. Architecture can be a piece of art, but it must be responsible to people and its context. To make good buildings, we need a worldview, a conception of the world that is healthy and that enables us to understand things deeply. Architecture must begin with its fundamental task. It must provide an inspiring and terrific experience for people inside and outside of it. It is a human act that invades and displaces the natural ecosystem. Biological order is destroyed every time we clear native plant growth and erect buildings and infrastructure. The goal of architecture is to create structures to house humans and their activities. With the idea that lighting could communicate a message between the building and the viewer the architecture distances itself once more from the “form follows function” approach. The majority of people (architects, architecture students, as well as non-architects) look at architecture as objects. They look at designed buildings as sculptures.If we see buildings as sculptural objects (often unwittingly), we will undoubtedly design them as sculptures as well. The architect should design a building that makes common people feel comfortable, and not to be liked just by architects. It should also adapt to its locality, not designed for somewhere else, or for no place in particular. Architects rarely hold hands with the context of the building he/she designs and walk through the design process together.

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